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38.100002 ibaVision 2-Program-Add-On


Extension license for 2 additional HALCON applications


ibaVision at a Glance

  • Seamless integration of automated image processing with ibaCapture and ibaPDA
  • New plug-in architecture: HALCON and Python plugins are included, user-specific plug-ins can be loaded
  • Use of ibaCapture as image source and storage for processed images
  • Acquire and visualize image processing results as signals in ibaPDA
  • Use process signals from ibaPDA in ibaVision
  • Automated quality control and process monitoring

Functional Principle

ibaVision serves as a link between the iba system and project-specific image processing solutions. With version 3, ibaVision introduces a new plug-in architecture that allows building solutions for an even wider array of projects. Independent of the used plugin, the main feature of ibaVision consists of processing image data automatically. Results are presented either as data (numeric/text) or as new images. All these results can be processed, visualized and analyzed with the familiar iba tools in the usual way. In general, automatic inspection images can provide information that is hidden to conventional sensors. Thus, ibaVision provides ways to enhance previously unavailable process information thus offering newpossibilities for analysis and automated monitoring.